Hanging Around the Blogs: News & Reviews You May Have Missed #17

Inspired by "Around the Blogs with Chuckles". There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs and social media outlets so here's a recap of some great posts, articles and news tidbits you may have missed while you were out living your life.

News & Review Link-ups

A Horrible Thing Has Been Exposed In the Horror Community

Barb & Stormi Take A Stab at Slash by Hunter Shea

Karen Has Some Mini-Reviews

Kristen Lists Some Brand New Sci-fi/Fantasy Coming Your Way

Look at all of the New Ladies of Horror Fiction Goodness Coming This Month

LOHF New Releases in November

Reader Voracious Reviews An App to Maybe Help You Tame Your TBR

Barb Shares A Review That Might Make You Get Teary

Tor NightFire Has Given Us A Gift

Grab your FREE audio while you can! I've been listening to these and reviewing them on Twitter (though I've failed this week) and the majority of the stories are WOW. I'm truly excited to see what they offer in 2020.

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Get your copy HERE.  You'll need the Google Books (not the Google Movies) app in order to play it which is a bit of a pain but trust me it's worth the trouble!

Recommended Movies/TV

The Handmaid's Tale

I know I'm late to the party on this one but I finally ditched cable and got the Hulu. I've only watched the first few episodes but this show is so terrifying and very, very frightening in these crazy times. Are the upcoming seasons this good? Will it break me? 

That's all for now. Read some books, watch some bad films and have a relaxing weekend, everyone!


  1. Thanks so much for the shout outs! I love these kind of posts because it gives me a second chance to see something I might have missed earlier!

  2. Barb's post made me tear up for sure!

  3. I really want to try the Nightfire stories! Thanks for the reminder😁

    1. You should. They're very imaginative and well written.

  4. I spotted the stories on TOR and need to check them out!

    1. You do! They're excellent. I've only found a few "meh" but it wasn't due to the writing, the particular storyline didn't appeal to me.

  5. I haven't watched Handmaid's tale, it's not my kind of show.

    1. It's so sad and depressing. Why do I keep watching?!

  6. Yay for Nightfire! I still need to give those a listen. :)

  7. Oh my gosh, that dedication in the book Barb read!! <3 <3 <3

  8. Ooh lots of good stuff. :) I've only watched the first season of Handmaid's, but you're right. It's so dark and kinda scary given the times!


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