Reads of Many Moons Past (3)

I thought it might be fun to start looking back in time and seeing what I was reading this time last year and all of the previous years since I started cataloging my reads! I sometimes see people doing this on social media and it's a fun reminder that older reads need loving too. If you're a nerd like me and want to do this please leave me a link to your post. I'd love to see it!

November 2018 Week 3

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Lizzie Borden: Zombie Hunter by C.A. Verestraete

Some of my thoughts then:

"This is a fast paced zombie/ghoul slaying tale that answers the question you never knew you had about the Lizzie Borden case. What if a zombie plague were the reason Lizzie Borden wacked her parents with an ax?

I LOVED this set up and that it jumps right into the grisly murders. And they are grisly."

3 ★'s

November 2017


Halloween Carnival Volume One

Some of my thoughts then:

"Halloween Carnival is a collection of three short stories and two novellas. It would’ve been perfect reading on Halloween night but I’m a slacker and watched movies instead."

3 ★'s

 November 2016

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Deepest Desires of a Wicked Duke by Sharon Page

Some of my thoughts then:

"When I drafted this review I was too lazy to look up the title and saved the file as “The Randy Duke”. Now, I know I haven’t read a historical romance in a long time but I don’t remember them being anything like this one. It starts out with the hero revisiting his path to self-destruction and involves a visit to a party where he walks in on his best friend who is doing a very naughty thing to a woman’s backside.

My, how things have changed while I was away reading my innocent little horror tales!"

4 ★'s

 November 2015

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Dumplin' by Julie Murphy

Some of my thoughts then:

"What could’ve been a meaningful read with a strong, unique heroine turned into just another ho-hum young adult novel. It does have its good points; it’s readable, funny, sweet and savage and real and there are some good messages there amongst all of the muck but I was hoping for something new. Something different. Something fearless. And I didn’t get it. Thus I can only rate this one a 2 ½ but I’ll bump it up to a 3 because I’m sweet like that."

3 ★'s

 November 2014


Botanicaust by Tam Linsey

Some of my thoughts then:

"I read Botanicaust in its audiobook version and, to be honest, it took all of my concentration to get into it in the very beginning because the concepts described in this new world were so overwhelming foreign for me. I’m used to the more horrific side of the apocalypse but this one is pretty firmly steeped in the realm of science fiction."

4 ★'s

 November 2013

Tasty Treats for Demanding Dogs

Tasty Treats for Demanding Dogs

Some of my thoughts then:

"DNF and this is why:

25% through and I'm doing some skimming. I never read all the way through cookbooks but already I've noticed something scary with several recipes. If you own this book please be careful before attempting the recipes because this book will lead you astray. I don't get what this author is trying to accomplish. He has a written an informative introduction outlining dangerous and potentially hazardous foods including garlic and onions and yet (pardon me while I scream) he then includes some of them in his recipes!!! WTF? Does he purposely want you to harm your pet? Does he harbor a secret hate for dogs? Or did he just collect a bunch of recipes from the internets, slap 'em together in a book and call it a day without double checking the ingredients? I just don't get it and now I don't trust anything he's written here."


 November 2012


The Passage by Justin Cronin

Some of what I thought then:

"I spent nearly two weeks listening to this on audio and I’m relieved it’s over. It drained me but not emotionally which is a shame. It was a chore to get through most of it and I probably won’t seek out the next one but don’t quote me on that . . ."

3 ★'s

 November 2011


One Foot In The Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Some of my thoughts then:

"I also liked the humor, the chemistry, and many of the new characters with the exception of the bland Noah and the team member secretly crushing on Cat (his name has already escaped me). I didn't like the fact that four years had passed (that threw me for a bit), I was annoyed again that Cat still puts up with crap from her mom who I hate with an intensity normally reserved for people who hate dogs and that rude guy who was crushing on Cat and accusing her of terrible things. She should've stabbed him with a stake and put him out of his misery early on."

3 ★'s

 November 2010


Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews

Some of my thoughts then:

"I enjoyed it a lot but it's still not a five star read for me. I did find myself drifting off here and there and had to rewind a few times but it may be me not the book. The Kate and Julie dynamic worked and showed another side to Kate, not exactly a softer side but more of a protective side. This book is pretty non-stop action with small side appearances made by the sexy men in her life. I really appreciate the fact that the author is focusing on developing Kate, the plot and the secondary characters rather than zooming in on the lust factor."

4 ★'s

Hmmm, in rereading some of these "reviews" it seems like I might've rated them a little too high. A few sound more like low 3's bordering close to 2's. Seems like the third week of November might be a grouchy week. Maybe I should spend this week watching tv!

As always, please share your thoughts if you've read any of them! I love to hear them.


  1. I'd thought Dumplin sounded good until I saw the mixed reviews on it. I do love Cat and Bones. Tate was the guy trying to make Cat love him and I never liked him.

    1. That is one series I need to finish! Maybe doing these posts will remind me to get back to some things I promised myself I'd finish. I'm always seduced by the new and shiny.

  2. Just added Lizzie Borden: Zombie Hunter to my TBR! :)

  3. I love The Passage, but yeah, the books are a slog to read. I managed to finish the trilogy so yay me. Lol.

    1. OMG, they are SO long, lol. Congrats for finishing!


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