TBR Thursday (4)

My little holiday vacation turned out to be an extended vacation due to two full days of snow and messiness. Who can complain about two extra days off?  I got a little reading done and it was nice to relax but the Christmas stress is now full upon me and keeping me up at night. There's also something weird going on with my dog's tail that is worrying me but I'm hoping it's a minor sprain because he is a monster at the vet! I hope you've all been able to sneak in some reading.

Here's whats up next in the TBR: 

Next up is THE CULT CALLED FREEDOM HOUSE by Stephanie Evelyn. This was a pick for the December Goodreads Ladies of Horror Fiction group so I had to bump it ahead. I like a good cult story so I'm looking forward to starting it.

Soon I'll be reading HOW TO SURVIVE A HORROR MOVIE by Seth Grahame-Smith. This is an updated version - I guess it came out a few years ago but I missed it then and my review is super late (ahhh!).

Also up is THE DEAD GIRLS CLUB by Damien Angelica Walters which had to get bumped out a week or two. Why are there never enough hours in the day?! Here's the cover because it's an ebook and I only have one Paperwhite with a million books on it.

Currently Reading:

VIOLET by Scott Thomas is my current read. I have about 50 pages to go. I was hoping to finish it this morning but of course that didn't happen. It started out as a slow burn that is paying off with its creepiness. The reviews are a bit mixed on this one but I'm loving it. The characters are very well crafted and it oozes uneasiness from every crevice. Just make sure you're in the mood for a slower paced read, if you decide to pick it up.

What's up next for you?


  1. Poor puppy. Hope everything is okay with that tail too! I guess with boxers I don't have to really worry about tails - they have stubs. So my vet is on medical leave for a few months - with no one to cover. AND new puppy coming home. That stressed me out. We are trying a new place in town for puppy shots in January and we'll see how it goes. I just love my vet so much. I hope he can come back! I want to read Dead Girls Club too but right now am reading Snowball. A January Flame Tree Press release which is about an eerie Christmas Eve. Perfect for the season.

    1. Thanks, Barb. His tail is such a big part of who he is. It's always wagging like crazy so to see it all limp and sad has been worrisome. He was wagging it a little bit this morning and he slept through the night without pacing so I'm hoping he is on the mend. Otherwise, i'll have to take him in and have him sedated and I hate doing that to him. My vet is wonderful but this dog is super neurotic and scared to death so it's rough. I hope your vet is able to return. It's very difficult finding one you love.

      Enjoy your reads! I had to give up on the Flame Tree's because the font was way too small for my tired eyes. I'll have to start getting them on ebook instead.

  2. if I get one book read by the end of the year I'll be happy lol I am just not in the mood!

    I hope your dog's tail is healing. Sometimes they smash it in things and favor it for a few days. Hopefully you can avoid the vet because your comment above means it's quite the ordeal for everyone.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I hope you get your reading mojo back in 2020. Sometimes you just need a break.

      It is an ordeal at the vet.He seems a bit better today. He has a half wag so that's progress!

  3. Extra days off is always a good thing. :D Can't wait to hear what you think of The Dead Girls Club. And I hope your dog is okay. :)

    1. Thanks! He seems a wee bit better everyday so hopefully we can avoid the vet.

  4. glad you enjoyed the xtra days and i hope puppy is okay
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks, Sherry! Truth be told, I'm ready for some more days off now :)

  5. I just finished The Dead Girls Club and it was really good! Hope your pup's tail is OK:-)

  6. I hope your doggie's tail heals quickly. Poor guy! I would love a couple of extra days off work but I don't want to deal with the messiness to get it. I really do feel like I need to give Violet another chance. I liked it but never felt compelled to pick it up. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks. Carole. He's very neurotic and easily spooked and I think he injured it while trying to Scooby-Doo it out of the kitchen when he heard a noise. Poor thing. he's getting worse in his old age.

      Violet, I think, requires a certain mood. I had some time on my hands so it was a good fit.

  7. I hope the pups tail is healing well. And if you had to be snowed in, you have some great reads to keep you company:)


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