#ReadThemAll In 2020

Happy 2020, my lovely reading friends! I hope it is a year full of five star reads and healthy families. I am not doing a snarky or non-snarky resolution list this year. I always fail and that's fine by me. This year I'm doing things that make me feel better. We have an elder in the family suffering and we have a lot of work to do to help her live out her final years fear free so I will more than likely be taking solace in my books and horror movies and I hope to be more active on my blog and less active on other types of social media. I tend to get sucked into silly dramas and endless conversations about the same old topics and it is such a time-waster so NO MORE. I'm going to spend my spare time reading and watching bad films and reviewing a thing or two and posting them timely instead. I'll likely DNF more freely too (though I say this every year). I want to beat my 2019 GR Challenge every year from here on out and I'm not going to live forever and I have many books to read. Soooo . . . .

In 2020 I will:

*Read more books w/my demon cat over there

*Read more of my purchased books

*Ignore unhealthy social media drama. We will never all agree & we keep rehashing the same points.

*Bake & eat more cookies instead of checking Twitter

*Practice yoga every day

*Be happy & kiss the bad habits and bad taste of 2019 GOODBYE!


  1. I love all these goals:-) Staying off Twitter and making cookies is an excellent idea!

    1. So far I'm getting more reading done but I might have to add in more cardio, lol!

  2. Happy New Year! Sorry to hear about your family member, but these resolutions make so much sense. And "bad films" can be a perfect way to unwind lol.

    Cookies instead of Twitter. Haha agreed!

    1. Thanks, Greg. We have to take solace in whatever makes us happy. Twitter does not make me happy 90% of the time, ugh!

  3. Cookies over Twitter sounds like a great plan. I struggle to remember to even post anything on social media. I did start Instagram this year and enjoy it but I don't spend too much time on it. It is all about doing the things that you love.

    1. I am so bad at taking photos for Instagram. I should get better about doing it because it seems to be a nicer place than Twitter

  4. I'm using Twitter purely for books and I stay out of any possible arguments! I've had to stop myself replying to things posted by offensive idiots through the years but I refuse to have my day ruined by giving them attention!

  5. Those are great goals. I should make more cookies too. Cookies make everything better.

    1. We should all make more cookies :) I am totally on board for that.

  6. These are great goals. It can be exhausting helping out with family. My grandfather is 98 and I am the go-to person, despite my Stupid Uncle who lives 5 minutes away. Do what makes you feel good and makes you happy! And yes to cookies anytime!

    1. Hopefully karma will get that stupid uncle :( It shouldn't all fall on one person when there are other capable family members. And I'm always up for cookies :)

  7. Love your goals!!! Here's to an awesome new year. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark! I hope it's great for all of us and that we get to read all the books we want to read..

  8. I love your goals and mine are very similar:)

  9. I LOVE these goals so much!! I'm hoping to avoid negative social media drama as well. I've been focusing on unfollowing accounts that always get into it, or muting them. It's been very helpful! :)


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