TBR Thursday (6)

This year I plan to read more books and do less social media time wasting. I am still doing okay with that but my life has been a bit stressed lately so I've been watching Shameless when I should be reading. But sometimes you need to do what your heart tells you to do. And mine tells me that I NEED to know how this relationship between Ian and Mickey ends even if it kills me, lol.

Here's what's possibly up next in my reading life (always subject to change based on mood and general flakiness): 

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All #LadiesOfHorrorFiction on deck! Except . . .


This one here. Yep, I still haven't read this book. *yikes* I think I've posted this one here three times now. Why am I waiting? I think I answered that way up top but I'll get to it . . .  eventually.

Currently Reading:


This one is gooooood! It's a fun take on the tired old zombie storyline. So far I recommend it very much.

I hope your week is going excellently and that all of your reads are five star books! ♥


  1. What?!!! There's no such thing as tired old zombie storylines! *giggles* Hmmm, I'm a traditional zombie reader so I'm not sure about River of Souls...reviews of it seem pretty solid though. There again, lots of people raved about Warm Bodies and I didn't like that! Maybe add to wishlist and think further!

    1. lol, sorry Chuckles :) I thought it was a fun one. It's pretty short so you won't lose a lot of time if you give it a go and decide it's not for you.

  2. These all look great. And the list grows (shaking my head).

  3. Ooh scary stuff! How To Survive A Horror Movie sounds fun. :)

    1. I really need to fit that one in. It's getting ridiculous!

  4. I want to read more this year too but real life always seems to get in the way. I hope you liked your books.

    1. Yeah, real life is a pain in the butt sometimes.

  5. I agree with Greg; How to Survive a Horror Movie does sound like a lot of fun. :)

  6. I think I was offered River of Souls for review, but I'm just so overwhelmed with books right now. Maybe I should reconsider?

    1. I feel that. It's short! So maybe you can squeeze it in :)

  7. some great looking books. hard to choose my favorite cover. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. Ian and Mickey stressed the hell out of me while I was watching that show! I do search online to keep up even now lol

    I have my feed so muted and curated that I don't get too stressed anymore online.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. You should watch the last episode of the current season. It makes up (almost) for all of the trauma they put us through. It's also all over YouTube. It'll make your heart happy :)


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