Nothing But Mini's #3

Recent Mini Reviews

Here's the rest of what I've read recently in mini review form because life has been crazy and I might be a little lazy.  

This is a gory little tale about a crazy cult and the young girl and tortured policewoman who get caught up in the culty madness. This book is a debut from author Evelyn and the first in what appears to be a series. It moves at a quick pace and I would've preferred to have things slow down a little bit in order to get to know the characters better. There was also a big reveal made in the opening chapter that ruined some of the suspense for me. But that's just me. I like a slower roll out of the grossest of secrets. There are some nasty little surprises here so be warned!

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This a little slice of life, coming of age story about a young boy, his new best friend, his first crush and his adventures with his quirky uncle who creates something he calls "The Saturday Night Ghost Club". I figured out the end way before the big reveal which tells me I am either getting smarter (not likely) or that I've probably read too many books like this one and that the clues were very obvious. It was still a fabulous tale written with a lot of heart. Bittersweet and slightly creepy. Give it a go, if you stumble across it.

Find Me by André Aciman

2 1/2 Sad Little Stars

Welp, all I have to say is that I am very grateful that I didn't cave in to my impulse to "buy it right this second" and use up my last Audible credit on this book. I impatiently waited for my number to be called via Overdrive and it really wasn't worth the wait.

I wasn't expecting another "Call Me By Your Name" but I was expecting something, anything, that would rip me to shreds emotionally because I know the author has that capability but I didn't get that here. I pretty much felt nothing at all even when Elio and later Oliver finally make an appearance. It had some beautiful moments but they were hidden in a lot of tedium and rather pretentious conversations that bored me to death - or maybe I simply lack class (yeah, that might be it). I don't know people who talk that way and it distanced me from everything. Also the insta-marriage section in the first half of the book seemed manic instead of lovely. Meh. I'm so sad about my experience with this book. I had high hopes that my heart would get broken but I felt mostly nothing at all. I finished it but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a struggle from beginning to end.

Have you read any of them? Or read something else that you want the world to read? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Mini reviews are great when you either don't have much to say on a book or can't say much as it would give away the plot!

  2. Love the minis. I have Saturday Night Ghost Club but put it on the backburner many books. I do want to get to it someday!

  3. Minis are great. Looks like you enjoyed a couple of them.

  4. The Cult Called Freedom House definitely looks like a trip! :)

  5. I loved The Saturday Night Ghost Club. It wasn't what I was expecting at all, but it just worked for me😁

  6. enjoyed your bite sized reviews and a couple of these would look great on my reading list
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. I love the sound of The Saturday Night Ghost Club. That's one I wouldn't mind reading. :)

  8. I need to get back to doing my Monday Minis reviews. I really like the sound of that second book.


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