Book Review: Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana

Here's a lovely little story to brighten your day. ♥  Just kidding!

Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana

Published June 2018

Dark Fiction  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon 

Source: Purchased
Kim White is a very popular cheerleader. She’s pretty, healthy, and comes from a well-off family. She has everything a girl of sixteen is supposed to want. And she’s sick to death of it.

In search of something to pull her out of her suicidal thoughts, she begrudgingly decides to lose her virginity, having heard it’s a life-changing event. But Kim doesn’t want to do it the same way her peers do. She seduces one of her teachers, hoping to ruin his life just for the fun of it. This starts Kim on a runaway train of sadism, and she makes every effort to destroy the lives of those around her. But soon simple backstabbing is not enough to keep her excited, and she nosedives into sabotage, violence, and even murder.

When Kim finds out she’s pregnant with her teacher’s child, a new madness overtakes her, and she realizes there’s only one thing that will satisfy her baby’s hunger . . .

My 2 Cents For Free!

This book will not be for everyone but it was definitely for me. It managed to take my mind off of the current hellish timeline we’re caught up in and thrust me into someone else's for a few hours.

But, yeah, this book is not for everyone. It is extreme horror and by extreme I mean extremely gross and extremely violent. Prepare thyself.

“I want to fuck you with a frozen dog turd.”

It’s funny too, sometimes. Or at least I thought so. And I desperately needed some pitch-black humor in my life at this moment in time.

Things start out normally enough. Kim is one of those spoiled little rich cheerleader types that most of us love to hate and by us I mean me, and maybe you too if you’re busy reading a review of a book called Full Brutal but I’m not here to judge. Her daddy gives her whatever her black heart desires, as well as all the freedom in the world but she is deeply unhappy. She can’t feel things like the other girls do. Boo-hoo. Woe is her. Blah, blah, get over yourself, and who cares, right? Well, this girl decides to be proactive and tries to fix her ennui and her whining and believes life will be worth living once she finds the thing that gives her a thrill. You can't fault her for that, right? She thinks that thing might be losing her virginity but soon enough she discovers that sex is blah like everything else but she’s a girl who learns from her mistakes. She learns that it’s the thrill of the dark and the dangerous that make her heart and other body parts race.

I’m going to keep from spoiling the ugly surprises that await within these pages because I think the impact will be stronger if you don’t know what’s coming. I spoiled myself because I read the blurb and skimmed a review or two before stopping my nosy self. You should know that this story features a whole heck of a lot of trigger warnings. Quite possibly all of them with the exception of prolonged animal torture (but don’t quote me on that because my brain is not working okay right now). Sometimes things bother me depending on my mood, the day, or the color of the sky but there was nothing here that made me ever want to shut it off and pour bleach in my ears.

I enjoyed this immensely despite knowing I probably shouldn’t. Kim is a monster. One of those human monsters that walk around looking like everyone else and pretending to be like the others. Full Brutal is cruel and evil and so very wrong but the fact that the perpetrator of all of these horrible misdeeds is a beautiful teenage girl worked for me. I’m not even going to pretend to lie if it had been a grown man telling this story and finding such joy and glee in these atrocities I might’ve pulled the plug, I refuse to think about that too much or attempt to explain myself so please don't ask. You like what you like, you know? And this book held me in its gore-filled grasp until the very last word.

Narration Notes: Dani George does a decent job with the narration. A few of the guys sounded a bit rough but they didn’t really matter anyway, lol.

4 1/2 out of 5


  1. This one sounds a little too extreme for me, but I'm glad you had fun reading it. :)

    1. Thanks! It was pretty extreme, lol, but just what I needed.

  2. With a FROZEN DOG TURD? OMGosh!

    I can go for extreme horror fiction. I may have to check this one out. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. You're very welcome! I hope you love it if you get a chance to read it.

  3. This sounds like a trip. And this "hoping to ruin his life just for the fun of it." cracked me up! Ha this sounds awesome. :)

    1. It was nuts! Dark, disgusting and darkly funny. Just what I needed.

  4. Whoa this sounds intense! Not sure it's for me but anything that will take you away from our present shitty situation can't be bad😁

  5. I'm into some pretty dark horror right now too. Funny how that helps take our minds off what's happening around us. This does sound kine of fun in it's own dark way.

    1. This will definitely take your mind off things for a little while.

  6. I like a bit of extreme torture in my books but I draw the line at anything involving the toilet habits of people or animals. Pity, I was interested until the frozen dog turd bit...

    1. Oh the dog turd thing was just a line of funny dialogue that I pulled. It didn't really happen! That would've been too much, even for me . . . probably.

  7. Well, that is quite the quote! I do like darker stories from time to time. I am glad you enjoyed this one, Bark!


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