Review: The Festering Ones by S.H. Cooper

There be monsters here!

The Festering Ones by S.H. Cooper

Published October 2019

Dark Fiction  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon 

Source: Received for Review Consideration
A monster lurking in the mountain.

A mysterious cult seeking a doorway.

An otherworldly evil waiting to be unleashed.

Faith York was a young girl when she saw her father dragged into the ground by a spider-armed woman, never to be seen again. Twenty years later, the events of that day continue to haunt her, and her need for answers has only grown stronger with time. After her estranged mother's death forces her to return home, old wounds are reopened and Faith finally decides to face her demons. What started as a search for closure soon pits her against a shadowy cult known as The Gathered and the eldritch beings they worship. With reality becoming more blurred by the day and the thousand eyes of an alien deity fixed on her, Faith must decide if the dark secrets of White Crow Mountain are really worth losing herself over

My 2 Cents For Free!

If you like your horror with creepy many armed lady monsters who jump out of a hidey-hole in the woods and grab a man and drag him down to their lair where he’s never seen or heard from again, you’re going to love this one! I might know a few folks I’d like to lead down that path myself, haha (I, eh, kid?).

Anyhow, if you’re looking to escape our dreadful reality for a little bit this book will help you out. It’s full of adventure and monsters and a main protagonist attempting to make sense of her past and prove that what she witnessed as a child was not all in her imagination. Faith was only 9 when she was allowed to go on her first hunting trip with her dad but the trip took a nightmarish turn and she’s spent the rest of her life wanting to uncover the truth. What she finds delighted me. Things get weird very early on and continue to escalate as truths and secrets are revealed. I love a good secret, especially a monstrous one! I’ll keep this short because I don’t want to ruin it for you and it’s 120 something pages.

Faith is a great character. She’s strong-willed, she’s nosey and determined and fearless. I hope there is a book 2 because there are things I NEED to know because I am nosey too and I would love to read it!

4 out of 5


  1. This sounds awesomely creepy! And Faith sounds like my favorite kind of character. :)

  2. i was super curious when i read the title. love the cover and that first sentence of your review made me laugh out loud.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Try reading that sentence without taking a breath, lol! I think you'd love this one Sherry ♥

  3. It sounds like my kind of book. Even the cover is scary.

  4. I definitely want to read about creepy many armed lady monsters🤣

  5. That does sound like a creepy good book.

  6. Things get weird early on. I'm liking that and adding this to my list!


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