Ladies of Horror Fiction Awards Have Begun!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to poke my head in here quick to let you all know that I'm not on hiatus, I'm just super busy with projects for Ladies of Horror Fiction, and I will be back next week with reviews if all the stars align. I have SO many sitting in drafts right now.

We will be announcing the LOHF Award Nominees in each category throughout the month on the website and on Twitter and we're super excited!

The nominees for Best Collection have been revealed. If you want to check them out the post is here:

We're also hosting a Readalong on Goodreads during the month of July for Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas. You can join us here:

I hope you're all reading amazing books and finding some time to relax!


  1. Nice to hear from you. Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy.

    1. A little bit too busy but it's the good busy, at least :)

  2. Long time no see! Good to hear about the awards. I'm excited to find some new books and authors.

  3. Can't wait to hear who wins!

  4. I should have done posts like this. I'm only just now poking my head back out. July outside of LOHF passed me by completely!


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