Review: A Good Marriage by Kimberly McCreight

I read this a little bit ago and it was such an addictive read!

A Good Marriage by Kimberly McCreight 

Released May 2020

Thriller  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon 

Source: Library Loan
Big Little Lies meets Presumed Innocent in this riveting novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Reconstructing Amelia, in which a woman’s brutal murder reveals the perilous compromises some couples make—and the secrets they keep—in order to stay together.

Lizzie Kitsakis is working late when she gets the call. Grueling hours are standard at elite law firms like Young & Crane, but they’d be easier to swallow if Lizzie was there voluntarily. Until recently, she’d been a happily underpaid federal prosecutor. That job and her brilliant, devoted husband Sam—she had everything she’d ever wanted. And then, suddenly, it all fell apart.

No. That’s a lie. It wasn’t sudden, was it? Long ago the cracks in Lizzie’s marriage had started to show. She was just good at averting her eyes.

The last thing Lizzie needs right now is a call from an inmate at Rikers asking for help—even if Zach Grayson is an old friend. But Zach is desperate: his wife, Amanda, has been found dead at the bottom of the stairs in their Brooklyn brownstone. And Zach’s the primary suspect.

As Lizzie is drawn into the dark heart of idyllic Park Slope, she learns that Zach and Amanda weren’t what they seemed—and that their friends, a close-knit group of fellow parents at the exclusive Grace Hall private school, might be protecting troubling secrets of their own. In the end, she’s left wondering not only whether her own marriage can be saved, but what it means to have a good marriage in the first place.

My 2 Cents For Free!

I'm SO behind with this review and my brain is a big mushy mess and my notes on this one are a big disaster because I listened on audio so this review isn't going to be a review because I've read three books since I finished this one and my memory is no good. Ahhhhhh. Anyhow, I'm giving it five stars because I LOVED it.

There are juicy secrets and this time they did not disappoint me. They were mostly delicious and there were so many of them and I don't think I saw any of them coming. It was an infectious read that I didn't want to put down about a young couple with a troubled marriage. Amanda the wife makes friends with some of the moms in town and is invited to what turns out to be a "key party" and things go very wrong as they will in books like these!

I've probably read more than my fair share of these lurid thrillers and many of them end up being "meh" but I'm not going to stop because it's books like these that keep me going. I really enjoyed the characterization of Amanda. She was a sweet and decent person with a rough past which is a real rarity in this type of book and I appreciated her characterization so much.

Anyhow, go read this one if you like secret filled books because this one is amazing!

5 out of 5


  1. I have to admit I love thrillers about marriages gone wrong, and I've never heard of this, so thanks for putting it on my radar!

  2. Ooh this sounds fun and I love the sound of the secrets!

  3. That sounds really good so I'm glad you liked it.


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