Review: The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

This book was a lot of fun!

The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

Published April 2020

Dark Fiction  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon 

Source: Library Borrow
Steel Magnolias meets Dracula in this '90s-set horror novel about a women's book club that must do battle with a mysterious newcomer to their small Southern town, perfect for murderinos and fans of Stephen King.

Patricia Campbell’s life has never felt smaller. Her husband is a workaholic, her teenage kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she’s always a step behind on her endless to-do list. The only thing keeping her sane is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime. At these meetings they’re as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are about their own families.

One evening after book club, Patricia is viciously attacked by an elderly neighbor, bringing the neighbor's handsome nephew, James Harris, into her life. James is well traveled and well read, and he makes Patricia feel things she hasn’t felt in years. But when children on the other side of town go missing, their deaths written off by local police, Patricia has reason to believe James Harris is more of a Bundy than a Brad Pitt. The real problem? James is a monster of a different kind—and Patricia has already invited him in. 

Little by little, James will insinuate himself into Patricia’s life and try to take everything she took for granted—including the book club—but she won’t surrender without a fight in this blood-soaked tale of neighborly kindness gone wrong.

My 2 Cents For Free!

I’m a little late to this one so I’ll only add my one cent instead of my usual two. You’re welcome, lol. Also, everyone else has already said all the things and said them better than I ever could at this point.

So I'll start off with my complaint because, sorry for those who don’t know, I’m kind of a jerk. This book about proper southern housewives and the possible pasty-ass vampire in their midst is set in the ’90s and I continually felt as if I were reading a book set in the ’70s. It might be because the whole housewife under the thumb of her man is rather foreign to me and it feels outdated in the ’90s but I could probably chalk this up to different life experiences. Anyhow, I pretended it was set in the late ’70s and it was easier to swallow the fact that these ladies were feeling so beholden to their menfolk. And, argggghhh, these men. They are all so TERRIBLE. Terrible, horrible, evil, selfish creatures who were rude and condescending and infuriating whenever they were on the page.  I’m not even talking about the vampiric one either. He’s even worse but at least he has a bit of an excuse. He IS a monster. He is expected to behave like a monster (and damn does he ever!) The rest of these dudes are simply vile humans and I’m so glad all men weren’t like this in the ’90s and that’s all I have to say about that.

Whew, sorry about that. The rest of the book is fantastic. It’s full of dark humor and takes its time with the horror. The opening chapters set the scene and bring the characters and their daily struggles to life but when the horror happens hold on tight because things get creepy, disturbing, and gross. These ladies are smart and when no one will listen to them (see above) after children start disappearing and other horrible things happen, they have to take matters into their own hands and things get gloriously grisly.

“Let me tell you something there’s nothing nice about Southern Ladies.”

I’d like to see a sequel where the husbands are taken care of properly in the end. And when I say taken care of properly, I mean served up on a platter instead of being waited on by their ladies. Sorry, but I can only speaketh the truth.

4 out of 5


  1. Ha ha I agree, the men were awful! But I loved this, mostly because I loved Patricia😁

    1. Yes! Such great female characters! I'm glad you enjjoyed it too :)

  2. I have heard the men in this one are pretty horrible. But everyone seems to love it. I can't wait to read it. :D

    1. Ugh. It is true. The book is great gory fun despite them, haha.

  3. Nice review! It's still on my TBR. I can't believe I haven't read it yet. Vampires, dark humor, grisly scenes . . . seems right up my alley reading-wise!

    1. I hope you love it! It sounds like it was made for you!

  4. AH! Great review! I NEED to get to this one soon!! I keep saying that and I really just need to dive in!

    1. Thanks Erica! I think you'll love it. But I know the feeling.. There are sooo many books and never enough time!

  5. I just cannot with men like that but I have heard that this is a good book.

    1. The men were dreadful. Ugh. But the book was great!

  6. LOL I loved your review and can't wait to finally get to this one. I think I'll make a list of the men and who I'd kill off first!

    1. Thanks Laura :) Ugh, these men. You'll see what I mean once you start reading. They all need to be eaten.

  7. I'm really looking forward to trying this author! I have four books waiting on me!

  8. I’ve got this on my wish list to read, thanks for sharing!

    1. I hope you get to read it soon! Thank you for reading my review!


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