Check Out Dead Head's Rebrand!

Hi everyone! I'm still here but a bit overwhelmed as usual. I wanted to share some news with you about a rebrand that I think might interest many of you who have varied reading tastes, like myself! You might recognize some of these people if you're on the Twitters. Either way, I hope you'll check them out. There are some great people behind the site working their butts off!

Dead Head Reviews is Changing

Founded in summer 2019 by Garrett Witt, Dead Head Reviews is a growing platform within the Horror Community. But due to changes that took place over summer and autumn 2020, the website’s current admins, Ellen Avigliano and Elle Turpitt, have made the decision to revamp the website under a new name. Although the core focus will remain on Horror, the website will also branch out to cover horror-adjacent genres such as Sci-Fi, Dark and Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and more. The revamp will reflect this, as well as the website’s dedication to uplifting diverse and marginalized voices, previously under or misrepresented within genre fiction.

As before, the website will continue with the sort of events and features readers have enjoyed, such as dedicated promo weeks for books, and month-long events for Pride and Women in Horror among others.

The name of the website is changing, but it will retain the core elements embraced in its first year, while expanding to include others. Going forward, Dead Head Reviews will become


Divination Hollow Reviews

Divination Hollow is a house, inhabited by the witch Broomhilda, and the ghostly residents, currently consisting of –

            Ellen Avigliano

            Elle Turpitt

            Becca Futrell

            Jason Cavallaro

            Regi Caldart

            Tabatha Wood

            Michelle Enelen

            Cassie Daley

            Richard Gerlach

            Dan Riley

            Zack Figueroa

            Nik Small

And of course, Garrett Witt, who started the website originally with Aiden Merchant. The team has seen others come and go, and the admin team are thankful to all contributors who helped make DHR something truly unique. 

The website will also embrace articles and essays alongside reviews, and hope to expand into covering films, video games, TV shows, and more. They are always willing to hear from writers, reviewers, artists and other creators, and accept pitches for features via the website. 

The website will be changing to, but for the time being it will also remain listed as so please ensure you’re following the social media accounts to keep up to date. Ellen and Elle welcome all feedback and suggestions, and contact details can be found on the website. 

Please join us soon in Divination Hollow – we look forward to welcoming you.


  1. I like the rebranding idea-it's interesting and different.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be sure to follow under the new name.

    1. You're very welcome. They're a great bunch of people.


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