Books, Movies, TV & Updates • January 13, 2023


Recent Reads & Listens 

Hello, everyone! I'm here working on my little review pile and reading a few things just for me. Mixing them up is keeping me motivated and reading lots so I think I'll stick with this plan. These are the books I'm working on this week. Come Out, Come Out, Whatever You Are is an ARC and it is very late 😔 The other two are just for me. I adore the Monstrous series about monsters finding their soul mates SO  much. The Betwixt & Between books are amusing but the jokes sometimes don't land for me and feel a little forced. There's only one more until I'm caught up so I'll probably finish just to say I'm finally caught up with a series for once in my life.

Additions to the TBR

I haven't had a chance to share the books my family gifted me last month!  I love Sodergren's writing and am looking forward to catching up with his work. The Hell Hath Only Fury sounds amazing.  Hopefully I can squeeze them all in soonish.

Recent Watches

I very much enjoyed both of these movies recently. We've also been watching Homecoming (season 1) & White Lotus (we're about halfway through season two and my gawd there are so many awful people in these!!).

What's Next (maybe)

Well, I know I'll be keeping up Lily Mayne's Monstrous series until I finish and also this one by Alison Rumfitt because I received an ARC and it's due out 1/17/23 so I'd better get cracking!

"Three years ago, Alice spent one night in an abandoned house with her friends, Ila and Hannah. Since then, Alice’s life has spiraled. She lives a haunted existence, selling videos of herself for money, going to parties she hates, drinking herself to sleep.

Memories of that night torment Alice, but when Ila asks her to return to the House, to go past the KEEP OUT sign and over the sick earth where teenagers dare each other to venture, Alice knows she must go.

Together, Alice and Ila must face the horrors that happened there, must pull themselves apart from the inside out, put their differences aside, and try to rescue Hannah, whom the House has chosen to make its own."

In Other News

My Patrick is SUCH a bully to my ancient 19-year-old kitty (who was a bully in his younger days so I suppose this might be some kind of karmic kitty payback). I mean, look at this jerk trying to get his turn on his throne.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. I cannot wait to watch The Menu! I think that's going to be right up my alley. I also have a copy of Alison Rumfitt's book headed to me! I hope you love that one! Can't wait to see what you think!

  2. Whoops! Sorry, put my last comment in through as anonymous by accident! :)

  3. I've been seeing more about The Menu and plan on watching it at some point.

  4. I think mixing it up really helps keep reading enjoyable. It is funny the way that animals will just sit on each other.


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