2023 Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

I saw my good friend Jen mention this tag on her blog Book Den and decided to give it a go. I don't know where it originated and I also don't know how to tag people on my blog so if you're reading this, please consider yourself tagged and let me know in the comments if you decide to do this so I can go creep on your posts.

Best Book You've Read So Far This Year 

I read a LOT of horror but this sweet, sexy monster/man romance was such a lovely diversion.

Best Sequel You've Read So Far This Year 

The first book had a lot of unpleasant trauma in it but this one left that behind to focus on the romance. I need to read the rest of these soonish.

New Release You Haven't Read Yet, But Want To

This is a brand-new monster romcom series from Lily Mayne and I am so excited!

Most Anticipated Release for the 2nd Half of 2023

I always like Rachel Harrison's books and this one is described as "deliciously sinister" and I can't wait!

Biggest Dissapointment

I was very much looking forward to this modern-day haunted house story and was certain I would love it, but it simply didn't work out for me. It got a little too bogged down with side stories and lost me. Still sad about it.

Biggest Surprise

This book came out of nowhere and I'm so glad it found its way to me. It was loads of fun and was just what I needed at the time!

New Favorite Author

Definitely Lily Mayne. I actually discovered her work late last year but have steadily been reading through her Monstrous series this year. She writes these sweet/sexy fun adventures and they're fantastic.

Newest Fictional Crush

I'm too tired for this question, but it would have to be one or all of those monster or alien fellows above, if you must know.

New Favorite Character

This is going to sound weird but I like to think this cute mothman here was the true hero of Laurel Hightower's Below so I'm putting him here. He only shows up for a few brief moments but he knows how to make an impression.

Book That Made You Cry

If you've read Tiffany McDaniel you know she ruins you. On The Savage Side will put you through the emotional wringer.

Book That Made You Happy

T. Kingfisher writes the types of books I love to read and A House With Good Bones was absolutely not an exception. Her books always make me happy with their addition of animal characters and quirky people.

Favorite Book to Movie Adaptation

This was a comic, not a book and I haven't even read it yet but the series is a lovely tale of the apocalypse and hybrid children and the only thing that almost fits here.

Favorite Review You've Written This Year

Maeve Fly by CJ Leede was such a wild book and this review pretty much wrote itself and I love it when that happens. 

Most Beautiful Book You've Bought This Year

I pitched in for this one during its Kickstarter and received an early copy which I still haven't made the time to read but isn't it GORGEOUS?!

What Books Do You Really Need to Read by the End of This Year 

I really need to finish up my review commitments. I have about ten left in the queue and then I plan to take a breather to read the one above, finish some beloved series that I left hanging in the wind and maybe create a tbr jar and start getting through the piles I've accumulated throughout the years I've been reviewing new releases and ignoring all of the books I absolutely had to have. I've said this a few times so don't hold me to any of it, lol.


  1. I've been watching Sweet tooth and I like it but I haven't read the book. Moth has a great cover, I love that.

    1. I love the cover so much! It matches the book so well.

  2. Yay - freak out tag! I knew you would talk me into reading more Barbarians. lol. We have the same most anticipated!

  3. I had such a good time with Maeve Fly! T. Kingfisher and Tiffany McDaniels are always a favorite. Fun tag!

  4. Ooh I got the Les Petits Morts Kickstarter book as well, although I haven't cracked it open yet. Big YES to Black Sheep as one of my most anticipated books as well, and I have On the Savage Side under "Made You Cry" as well (my tag will go up next week)


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