Audiobook Review: American Housewife Stories by Helen Ellis

3 1/2 Stars
I’m not going to rehash all of the stories and such with a
plot synopsis because I am lazy and mostly because I did not take notes. So off
the top of my head, I’ll tell you a little about the stories that stuck with me
long enough to be written down here.
“The Wainscotting War” was the first real short story in the
collection and I thought it was the best. It should’ve been stuck somewhere in
the middle because I kept expecting the rest of the tales to have the same
snarky magic and, except for brief glimpses, they didn’t. It’s about two housewives
who go to great lengths to out insult the other in an email war over
redecorating a hallway. It’s wickedly dark and funny in the evilest of ways and
“The Fitter” is about a woman who is married to the most
wanted man in all the land. Wanted by the woman-folk, that is. He can look at a
woman’s chest and instantly find her the perfect bra, one able to perk up the
saddest pair of droopy breasts without surgery. He’s been able to do this since
he was a kid which is kind of creepy, if you ask me, but he’s managed to make
quite the living off of his magical skills, yet another reason the ladies are
all after him. His current wife, also his assistant in the business, has to
fend off the hussies vying for his attention. I felt for her, I truly did. It
was a little sad but I’m not going to tell you why (unless you send me some
“Welcome to Book Club” mostly annoyed me, truth be told. I
thought it was trying just a little too hard to be witty and obnoxious and mostly
succeeded in just being obnoxious. To be a part of this exclusive “book club”
means you must give up your identity and . . . other things. The narration was
good but the story didn’t work out for me.
“Dead Doormen” was
ghostly, morbid and a little ghastly. That I can work with.
“Dumpster Diving with the Stars” nearly bored me to
death. It was about some ridiculous
reality tv show. It was overly long and not at all interesting or witty to me.
Not helping matters was the monotonous narrator. I never thought it would end
but fortunately it did.
Did I mention the stories are read by alternating narrators?
That’s a very good thing in this case.
“Pageant Protection” is a twisted little story about a woman
who makes it her mission to give pageant girls a lifestyle “do-over”.
“I Sold My Soul to Tampax” is the last story and I don’t
think this is the title but it’ll have to do. My brain has shut down for the
day. It’s about a writer who apparently didn’t read the fine print on her
contract and faces what is probably every writer’s worst nightmare. It was
pretty much all over the place and felt a little rushed and the protagonist
seemed like a dimwit for allowing any of this to happen at all.
Most of the stories fall into the “entertaining at some
point” category with only one that really stood out which is unfortunate seeing
as it was the first actual story in the book and set me up to expect the rest
to be even better. The others weren’t as nasty as I’d hoped and weren’t really “laugh
out loud funny” but perhaps my sense of humor has skedaddled off with what’s
left of my memory. If you want to read about a bunch of awful ladies that have
ugly thoughts, dark edges and haughty ways give it a go. You probably won’t
like any of these people but you might like reading about them.
If nothing else, I learned that:
“Taxidermy is the new
decoupage. “
Who knew? Perhaps, I’ll have to take it up in my old age. Looks like it could be useful!
Get it at Amazon
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