Creamed by Cave Creatures by Chelsea Chaynes

Creamed by Cave Creatures by Chelsea Chaynes, Horrorotica
Lina had waited four years to enter this cave, and her doctorate depended on it. But the deeper she goes, the scarier it gets, until a horde of cave monsters have their way with her... in the dark.
3 out of 5, here's why:
Yes, I read this. Don't judge. It's free and there are monsters and I apparently have no standards.

"I was ready for an adventure. I was ready to descend into the bowels of the Earth, and nothing was going to stop me."

Not even pale faced underground cave dwellers with grabby-hands will stop this gal from following her dreams!

This story was much shorter and grosser than Come the Chupacabra. It reads like true horror erotica. Lina, not very wisely, heads down into a deep, dark cave and finds some sex starved monsters who she lets have their way with her because, well, why wouldn't you? When all are satisfied she goes back to her boring life. The ending might shock those just looking for some monster porn
but most horror fans will not be surprised by the "startling" conclusion. The writing is so/so, not horrific but not exactly polished (but, really, if were you expecting that you downloaded the wrong freebie!). It's fun and it's gross and it's totally worth what I paid for it ;)

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