Take Control TBR Challenge

Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer is hosting her Fifth annual Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge! This one is perfect for me because I really need to thin out the tbr pile before it topples and sends someone to the hospital/vet. The rules are simple. For the entire month of March you focus on reading/listening to books in your TBR pile released before March 1, 2017. They can be eBooks, physical books or audiobooks. Let’s clean off those shelves, finish those series and trilogies and have some fun.

Kimba will provide motivation with a grand prize of a new release of your choice. She is giving you time to clear your calendars and sort through your TBR piles by posting early, so no excuses. . .

If I can do this, anyone can do this :)

Are you ready to accept the Challenge?

See the rules, link-up and share with friends.

~*Kimba's Rules*~

  • Link-up! This is open to everyone. If you do not have a blog then link your Goodreads account. It is a good idea to friend me if your shelves are private.
  • Create a Goals/Updates/Results post (can be combined) It can also be a shelf on Goodreads. Be sure to friend me, so I can see it. Friend me: Kimberly
  • Begins midnight March 1st, 2017 and ends March 31, 2017 at 11:59 pm.
  • Read/listen to books from your TBR pile.
  • ALL books/audios must have been published before March 1,  2017. I don’t care where you got them, so old ARCS count too.
  • Post a review to Goodreads, or your blog then link it to the Rafflecopter for an entry. ( these can be mini review)
  • You can combine events, challenges etc.
  • No novellas for this one peeps. Page count must be over 100 pages to qualify.
  • The rafflecopter will only allow you to enter up to two books daily, so update as soon as you finish a book.
  • Use hashtag #TakeControlTBR
  • Twitter Party March 15th @ 7 pm (CST) The Ides of March. Come chat about books you have read and win prizes.
  • 24-hour TBR read-a-thon Saturday, March 18th (sign-up will post in February) Grab your snacks, snuggle up and read until you drop! Instagram challenges and more.
  • Earn extra entries for participating in the Twitter Party and 24-hour TBR read-a-thon
  • Rafflecopter will close on April 2, 2017 at midnight and a winner will be chosen within 72 hours. Open internationally as long as Book Depositor ships to you. Prize: New 2016 release valued at up to 20 US dollars. I will do pre-orders as well. (may request eBook copy from Amazon or B&N)
Grab the image and share the event. Just be sure to link back to Caffeinated Book Reviewer's sign-up so your friends can join us!


  1. Good luck and I'll be following your progress!

    1. Thanks Chuckles, I need all the luck I can muster up :)

  2. This sounds like a great challenge. I may consider it seeing how I could work it in with my other ones. I just finished my January recap (will post tomorrow) and I'm not sure how I ended up doing so many challenges! Good luck - you can do this!

    1. Thanks! And I know what you mean. It's so hard to keep track of them all. My sidebar is getting a little too cluttered for comfort but I know I'll forget if I don't have that visual reminder.

  3. This looks like a good challenge and a great way to try and get the TBR under control. I'm tempted myself. :) Good luck with it!!

  4. I am going to try and do this one too, good luck! :)

  5. I need to do something like this. I will have to skip this one since I have so many ARCs for the months of Feb and March but I like the idea of it for sure. Good luck!

    1. I'm almost done with the ARC's (whew) so soon I will be free :) No more Netgalley for me for quite awhile.


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