Coco Butternut by Joe R. Lansdale

Coco Butternut by Joe R. Lansdale
Released: January 2017
Hap & Leonard Series
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Coco Butternut marks the always-welcome return of Joe R. Lansdale’s dysfunctional duo: Hap Collins and Leonard Pine. As usual, wherever Hap and Leonard go, trouble seems to already be there, awaiting their arrival. And in the case of this twisty, hilarious, and heartfelt new novella, Lansdale sends his heroes to Oak Rest mortuary and cemetery to grapple with the living and the dead—both canine and human.

When the mummified corpse of a beloved prize-winning dachshund named Coco Butternut is stolen from her final resting place, Hap and Leonard are hired by the owner to get her body back. The job is straightforward: they must simply exchange a bag full of cash for the missing pooch’s mummy. But they can feel something’s not on the up-and-up, and how right they are.

With assistance from Hap’s significant other, Brett, and his daughter, Chance, Hap and Leonard are soon embroiled in a gripping mystery tied to the dark secrets lurking beneath the hallowed ground of Oak Rest cemetery. In his inimitable style, and at the top of his game, here Lansdale gives us a highly enjoyable new entry in the ongoing adventures of Hap and Leonard. 

My Thoughts
3 1/2 Stars

Hap and Leonard (and their two accomplices) return for another zany caper. Forever short on funds, the two agree to another weird job. The deceased body of a beloved wiener dog has gone missing from the cemetery and the dognapper wants cash or else . . . Hap and Leonard step in to make the exchange.

Sure sounds easy enough to me. All they need to do is hand over the cash, grab the dead dog and collect their pay day. Nothing is ever that easy with these two. Unable to leave well enough alone, they discover things they shouldn't know and find themselves wrapped up in a little mystery that they can’t let alone.

I’ve missed a few Hap and Leonard books somewhere along the way and now they are apparently running a PI service with Hap’s girlfriend and his grown daughter Chase (where’d she come from?!). This was a little disconcerting but it’s my fault for reading the series out of order, as I do. The characters are smart-asses as always but they didn’t seem to have that dark sarcastic edge to their insults that used to make me laugh, almost out loud. This installment was also pretty tame when it came to the violence and I never felt as if any of our leads were in grave peril.

It was entertaining but a little too tame for my expectations.

Challenge Update
2017 Horror Reading Challenge Book #8

*I received an ARC from Netgalley. Thanks, Netgalley!


  1. I've always wanted to start this series. Mr. Barb watched an episode of the series one night and was shocked I knew what it was - he didn't. Seems enjoyable but it does sound like you might have missed some key elements. I'm almost as anal about reading series in order as I am about not being able to DNF books. I'm starting to think I have too many book quirks.

    1. It is a fantastic series, Barb. Funny, violent and completely un-PC but Lansdale has a way about him that makes it all ok. The series is great too. It really captures the pair in all of their wacky glory.

  2. This definitely sounds fun. Sorry it's not quite as good as earlier installments but this one is new to me and I might have to look into these further.

    1. You definitely should. The early books are something special.

  3. I haven't heard of this series but it does sound entertaining. I will read some series out of order and I am always disappointed when there is too much change in the characters. Great review!

    1. It's a wild series but I do wish I hadn't read this one out of order. I saw it at Netgalley and had to have it.

  4. I can't get over the title. Scratch that, I can't take it seriously. ^.^

    1. Coco Butternut is the epitome of all that is serious, lol.

  5. True that. The cover is a wee bit odd. I kept thinking it was about old-timey baseball games for some reason.

  6. I got curious about this series after seeing that a tv series was being made of this. Have you seen it?

  7. I was wondering if this could be read out of order. I've only read 5 Hap and Leonards so far. I just started watching season 2, and it has put me in the mood for another binge.


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