TTT: Books Featuring Yummy & Horrific Foodstuffs

Hey bookish friends, as usual I am taking the TTT and messing with it. Today's prompt is: Top Ten Yummy Foods Mentioned In Books (Does a character eat something you'd love? Or maybe the book takes place in a bakery/restaurant that makes yummy things? You could also talk about 10 of your favorite cookbooks if you don't read foody books.) 

I'm throwing in a few choices that actually fit the theme and a few that, well, let's just say I'm throwing them in for another reason . . . 

Click on any cover to be whisked away to my review either here or at Goodreads.

Books That May Make You Hungry

I'm not even a big fan of the Oreo (unless they're filled with peanut butter or covered in dark chocolate) but this story made me desperately crave them because the characters gobbled them up so gleefully! Plus there's a cute dog. Go read it :)

Doggies need healthy snacks too and some of these smelled so good I was tempted to give them a taste.

Yum, this book is filled with so much deliciousness; homemade pizza and bread and so much more. I aspire to live this way when I no longer have to work for a living, win the lottery and can hire minions to do the backbreaking stuff because though I have lofty ideals I am a little lazy.

The kid on the cover here makes vegan cupcakes and I wanted to eat them all.

And speaking of vegan cupcakes, I can  make them for myself with this awesome cookbook but usually my laziness prevails. The chocolate peanut-butter cupcake is divine.

Books That Will Make You The Opposite of Hungry

This graphic novel (and short story) may put you off eating animal flesh for awhile. I still get nauseous thinking about it.

This is the book that put me off beef forever.

Yep, this ruined McDonald's fries for me. Damned you to Hell, reading hobby!!

What this woman does with corn and a few manparts will either make you laugh or lose your lunch.

You'll never want to eat goat balls again but you probably weren't going to eat those anyway or were you?!

A thoroughly disturbing look at the future of Meat.

I promise you will never look at your  bag of groceries in quite the same way again if you dare to give this one a go!!

You're welcome ;)


  1. Love your list and that dog on the doggy cookbook is adorable. I read Anyone But You a long time ago and still have my copy. I don't really pay attention to food in books so I kind of switched up this week's topic as well.

    1. Yeah, I rarely notice those kinds of things too. I only remember the Oreo because I read somewhere that dogs weren't supposed to eat them and they fed them to the doggie (if I'm remembering correctly). Fortunately he survived :)

  2. I never pay attention to what the characters eat in books. I do like Oreos! And Twinkies. And Ding Dongs. Love pizza and sushi too!

    1. All good stuff. I grew up on Flaky Puffs, Snow Balls and those peanut butter filled cakes. I can't eat any of that stuff anymore :(

  3. OMG Animal, Vegetable, Miracle made we want to build a ginormous garden and make cheese from scratch and eat non stop lol

    Fast Food Nation and In Defense of Food changed the way I eat.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Seriously, me too but then I remembered that I am lazy and went back to the grocery store, lol. I still want chickens though.

  4. I refuse to read a book that ruins french fries for me lol!!

  5. The opposite of hungry lol. I think I'll pass on those! I'm especially concerned about the last one, haha.

  6. The two sides of your list totally made me laugh! :D

  7. Ooohhh, I like the way you format this and twisted it to feature not-so-yummy options too!

    1. Thanks, Jessica. It was a fun TTT to put together.

  8. Those Dean gifs are perfect for this post! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Thanks, I'd fit him in on all posts if I could get away with it :)

  9. Haha! I’d never read something that ruins french fries. They make up a significant portion of my diet.

    1. Fries are definitely one of the good things in life :)

  10. Love that first GIF! Mad Cowboy I should probably read but yeah it will probably make it hard for me to have a cheeseburger after that, so *sigh*

    Bagged by the Groceries lol.

    1. Trust me, you will never want to eat another cheeseburger again. It is a terrifying book that can never be unread!

  11. oh I should check the Organic Dog Biscuits one! My kids almost convinced us to get a dog and I do want him or her to eat healthy :)

    1. The recipes I've tried have smelled fantastic and were easy to make. The dogs will eat anything but I'd like to think they prefer my homemade treats :)

  12. I don't even remember the oreos in the Crusie book. I do remember that dog though. I need to check out some of the other book on your list!

    1. I think his name was Fred. He really stuck with me :)


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