Book Review: Five Dares by Eli Easton

And now for a complete change of pace :)

Five Dares by Eli Easton
MM Romance
Released by Pinkerton Road April 2018
Amazon ♦ Goodreads
Andy Tyler has been the class daredevil since middle school. Over the years, he’s convinced his best friend, Jake Masterson, to perform some dangerous-looking stunts with him. But the dare they attempt on the night of their college graduation goes sideways. The firecrackers explode too soon and both of them end up with badly burned palms.

But hey, nothing gets the “terrible two-o” down for long, and they recuperate in style at Andy’s family cottage in Cape Cod. As the weeks go by, both Andy and Jake grow frustrated over the inability to use their hands for all sorts of daily activities—including getting off. So Andy begins a new series of dares that don’t just cross the friendship line, they obliterate it.

But what might be mere sexual relief to Andy is serious business to Jake, who only recently got over years of secret pining for his straight best friend. Inevitably, the burns heal, summer ends, and hearts are broken. To fix things, Andy will have to face the greatest dare of all.

My Thoughts:

I needed a little change of pace from all of the darkness and smart-stuff I’ve been reading lately and this book was just the thing. It was also about 6 months late over @ Netgalley. Oops. I don't know why they give me stuff.

So, the setup is completely ridiculous but you know what? I don’t even care!

Here it is:

Andy and Jake have been best friends for years. The pair are known for doing stupid stunts but the latest is the stupidest of all. While drunk, Andy decides that holding lit firecrackers will impress their college buds so Jake goes along with it. Andy says he’s tested this out, so why not? The stunt predictably leaves them both with badly burned hands that will take months to heal. They decide to heal together at Andy’s family cottage (his family is wealthy) where two kind souls come in daily to help them shower, provide nursing care and prepare their meals. Soon they tire of Netflix and the inability to, ahem, pleasure themselves (kind of tough without hands) and they start experimenting with each other. Andy, previously straight, starts getting feelings for his bisexual friend who has loved him forever and you just know this is going to get messy.

I told you the setup was ridiculous but hey, I still don’t care. It’s sexy and fun and sometimes you just need a little frivolity in your reading life.

These two were best friends and that came across in their thoughts and actions. Neither wanted to step over a line and lose the other and neither could come right out and express their true feelings fearing they’d lose their best friend. It’s a sticky situation, to be sure. The relationship started out as simply a means to ease their sexual pain but it soon morphed into something that had been simmering below the surface for years.

I really enjoyed this story for all of its sweet sexiness. The only thing I wasn’t too thrilled about were all of the flashbacks to their silly stunts in the past. Those kept throwing me out of the current story. One or two would’ve done the trick, if anyone were asking me. Other than that this story was exactly what I hoped it would be. There was plenty of time spent developing both characters which would’ve been a complete disaster done wrong as they were pretty much the only two in story! There’s a little angst but it was never unbearable. I actually enjoyed Andy’s struggles to figure basically everything out; his future, his sexual preferences, his career path. Argh, so stressful! But when the light finally turns on it feels genuine. That isn’t something I can say about a lot of romances. I really loved these two and almost finished this book in one sitting because I just didn’t want to put it down. They were both sweet and slightly goofy and acted their age without being obnoxious. If you’re ever looking for a fun romance this is a pretty good one.

Now back to the horror . . .


  1. I thought I read this and when I checked I saw that I gave it two stars/no review so I guess I didn't like it lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  2. I thought about this one, but the college pranks business was what made me leery in the first place. I do love the friends figuring out how to keep the friendship, but explore the attraction. I have a different one of her books and I think the don't take it too seriously aspect must be a thing for her. I'll look forward to it, now. :)

    1. The prank sections weren't necessary. I'd say you can safely skim them all except maybe the last one :) I hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to read it. It's perfect when you're looking for something fun and sexy.

  3. This genre isn't one I usually explore. You're tempting me. It does sound silly and fun.

    1. It really was but it's very sexually explicit so be warned :)

  4. I couldn't help but to picture the guys from Jackass while reading your description of the set up and burst out laughing. I have to admit, I'm curious about this one.

    1. The setup was so stupid but the characters were likable which goes a long way in my book :)

  5. "It’s a sticky situation..."
    I'm sure it was! :)))

  6. That sounds like it would be a good read.

    1. It's a fun one and much lighter than anything I've read in months.

  7. Boys and their stupid stunts. *eye roll* Lol.

    1. Honestly, I'm surprised any of them make it into old age :)

  8. I'm not a romance reader, but I sure do love your reviews. :)


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