Books from the Backlog: Heart Beast by Tanith Lee

Carole @ Carole's Random Life In Books has created a fun feature called Books from the Backlog to spotlight neglected and unloved books that have been sitting on your bookshelf for too long.

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My Neglected Book of the Week is Heart Beast by Tanith Lee.  I have had this book in my tbr since the 90's. Yeah, wish I were kidding. Goodreads gives it a 3.51 and my two Goodreads friends who have read it give a 3. I'm torn. It sounds promising but the reviews make it sound like it has some of identity issue. It's a fantasy, then it's a horror novel and there's some romantic stuff mixed in there. I assume I have no issues with any of that so I may love it but it sounds like a very descriptive sort of read and I have to be in a certain kind of mood for that. 

The Goodreads Blurbage:

In the streets of the sukh, Daniel Vehmund moves among snake charmers and dagger jugglers. Wanted for murder, he travels the world, lured on by a brilliant diamond and a curse, caught in the sway of every full moon...

On a Mediterranean seacoast a death ship washes ashore, and the tide takes it out again, cleaned of its bloody cargo...In the frozen West, a woman, trapped in a loveless marriage, receives a rare diamond from her husband. It has a flaw in its center that looks almost like a wolf.

Unknowingly, she awaits the beast, and will be drawn to him as he is drawn to her. Until a deadly sliver of meteorite in the snow sets them both free...

In the snow-covered forest the beast lifts his heavy head. He kills and is unkillable. He is beautiful and horrific. He is the fear and the power, the envy and the magic and the desire. And he has come home to claim his place at last...

Why did I add this book to my tbr pile? I bought this used when I used to work right next door to a used book shop. I think I ended up buying all of that store's horror stock in the two years I worked at that place and I still haven't read most of them!

Have you read anything by Tanith Lee?  


  1. Oh thank heavens I've never worked next door to a bookstore. I can't imagine! I think I've read something by this author but if so, it's been years and I can't recall.

  2. This sounds good. When I get a book it doesn't last long around here before I have to read it.

    1. I wish I could be more like that. These books give me all the guilt! I'm always distracted by the new and shiny.

  3. It's tough when a book has a low rating, but the blurb does have my interest. Maybe try a few pages and see if it grabs you. And, yeah, I've got books on my shelf that have been there a while. :)

    1. That's what I'll have to do. I just have too many books around here!

  4. I would be at the used book store daily. I agree with Sophia, try a few chapters and it you don't find it interesting you can always donate it. I'm sure someone would enjoy it.

    1. yeah, I tend to hang on to things for waaaaay too long.

  5. I'd have a much bigger TBR stack if I worked near a used bookstore. :D Hopefully this one exceeds expectations. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Lark. It was a dangerous time for a book lover :)

  6. I think it sounds kind of interesting. I like that it doesn't fit nicely into any one genre. I couldn't imagine what my house would look like if I worked next door to a used bookstore!

  7. I know I have but can't recall what at the moment. I probably have a book or two of hers somewhere in my stacks. I'd have to read it. Curiosity would kill me and sometimes the books with lower ratings end up being good reads for me.

  8. I've never read Tanith Lee but I've seen her books at used bookstores and wondered what they were like. I hope it's good.

  9. I'm not sure if I've read anything by this author-honestly my memory is so bad these days! The beast sounds interesting but it might be a bit over descriptive for me with my changed tastes!

    1. My memory is bad too.That's why I'm glad I've finally started documenting my reading. Otherwise I'd probably be buying books I'd read ages ago.

  10. OMG you worked next door to a bookstore?? What could go wrong??!! lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  11. I just want to pet the kitty. LOL Heart Beast does look good though. I have some unread books on my shelves that have been there since the '90's too, sad to say. Have a great weekend!

    1. He looks sweet and sometimes he is but sometimes he's a grumpy old man too :)


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