Books from the Backlog: Lizzie Borden by Elizabeth Engstrom

Carole @ Carole's Random Life In Books has created a fun feature called Books from the Backlog to spotlight neglected and unloved books that have been sitting on your bookshelf for too long.

If you would like to join in, click the pic above to find out more.

My Neglected Book of the Week is Lizzie Borden by Elizabeth Engstrom.  It's been so long that I can't even remember when I bought this book but I believe it was one of the books I bought on my daily lunch break at the used book store back in the 90's. It gets a 3.59 average rating over at Goodreads and my one friend who read it gave it four stars and said READ IT!! so I should probably read it soonish.

The Goodreads Blurbage:

"Lizzie Borden took an axe . . ". Or did she? One hundred years ago, Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally murdered. Their youngest daughter Lizzie was arrested and tried for the killings and--shockingly to many--was found innocent.

Why did I add this book to my tbr pile? I have a fascination with Lizzie Borden so this was a no brainer. Also, I think I bought it used at Annie's Book Store back when I bought books instead of eating while on my lunch break.

You can find yourself a copy at

Have you read anything by Elizabeth Engstrom?  


  1. I don't think I've read this Lizzie book - I must remedy that!

  2. I have never read a Lizzie Borden book. I should probably fix that. I hope you get the chance to read it soon because I am curious about your thoughts.

    1. Thanks, Carole. It won't be super soon because . . . ARC's. But it will happen eventually.

  3. I've read about Lizzie in many genres. The last one she was a zombie hunter and I loved it. She always fascinates whether reading about her in fiction or non.

    1. Ha, that sounds fun. I'm sure it's on my wishlist!

  4. I've not read a true crime book for a while, but I do get fascinated by them. Hope this one lives up for you when you get the chance.

  5. I need to read a true crime book again, I haven't heard of this one. Lizzie Borden has always been a bit of a mystery. If you do get a chance to read this, I'm curious to what you think.

    I recently picked up See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt, also about Lizzie Borden, hopefully I can read it soon.

    1. I read See What I Have Done and thought it was fascinating! I hope you enjoy it. The reviews are a little mixed.

  6. This subject fascinates me. I read an NF book looking at the trial and the evidence and it was a really good read.

    1. I'll let you know how this one turns out when I get to it.

  7. I can see why you want to read this one. I am interested in Lizzie Borden also. I will be adding this to my own wish list! I hope you love it when you get to it. Have a great weekend!


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