State of the Blog

Happy Monday bookish friends! I am coming out of hibernation to let you know that I am putting this little blog on hiatus. I'm having trouble keeping up with all of the things and projects I am currently involved in and I feel terrible when I can't return visits or even answer comments in a timely manner. I do not want to be one of those websites who posts their thoughts and walks away and can't be bothered to interact with anyone.That's not what this is about for me. This blog is a reading log but also an outlet to interact with all of you lovely people who continue to visit me even when I'm the worst blogger in blogland. This blog will stay up and you may see a post here or there from me but I can't commit to any type of regular schedule at this time. *cries*

I will be focusing most of my energies on various Ladies of Horror Fiction projects as well as contributing to Horror After Dark. I hope to see you all around either place. I'll also be on Twitter but not quite so much because that place is a soul sucking time-suck.

Thank you for sticking with me as I continue my eternal struggle to find balance and free time!


  1. Good luck with your other projects! I'll miss your blog posts, but I understand the whole life-is-crazy-and-I-don't-have-enough-time thing. It is always a struggle to find that perfect balance in life.

  2. You are totally not the worst blogger in blogland. LOL. Things are so busy!! But we are doing good things. :)

    1. We are doing good things and I am the worst blogger in blogland :)

  3. I'm sorry to hear that the blog won't be that active in the future but it's not really a surprise when you have so much going on in other sites. I hope you are able to find a good balance for getting stuff done as I know it isn't easy!

    1. Thanks, Chuckles. I'll get it all figured out one of these days but right now things are a little crazy.

  4. Sorry to see this one go but that's okay, I'll be following you elsewhere :)

    1. Thanks, Barb :) I value all of the friendships I've found via this blog.

  5. It happens when you have a lot on your plate. Good luck with they other things you're doing.

  6. i understand and hope to see you around. i have trouble getting around to commenting too and i feel guilty every time i don't. but, there is only so much time in the day
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. Do what you're having fun doing and if that's Ladies of Horror right now - well, then we can hop over there!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  8. Take care and do what makes you happy- sometimes we have to let something go to keep our sanity haha! Seriously though- I get it, it's so hard to keep everything up. Hope to still see you around. :)

  9. I get it about having other projects and you know I already follow you at the other sites. See ya there!


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