TTT: Let's Celebrate Love My Way!

Hey bookish friends, it has been a million years since I got off my butt and whipped up one these listacles, spun it all around and spit out some weirdness. I know that's why you love me, right?  ♥  Today's prompt is: Love Freebie and because I am me, I am throwing a different kind of love your way. Love that's difficult, strange, imperfect and always true. Because that's the best kind of love! Hold on to your hearts because I am going to squish them and rub my hands together in glee while I do it!

Click on any cover to be whisked away to my review either here or at Goodreads.

My Favorite *ahem* "Love" Stories 

Is there anyone more in love with love than our favorite stalker, Joe?! I mean, COME ON! That book loving man is the sexiest narcissistic lover ever created. 

Speaking of Joe, here he is again! Still totally and completely in love with Love. I absolutely cannot wait until his next adventure is released. This is a series that I will follow anywhere.

I am an absolute sucker for unconditional love. Love that overcomes all obstacles. Love that is earned. This isn't a typical love story - well, I suppose none of these are - but I love it for that. It's horrible and bloody and tragic and painful and such fucking romantic perfection. Have I told you how much I love this book?!

Love that transcends death? Now that's true love! This is a fun one but only if you are a truly warped weirdo. Read it if you're up for it but don't come back and blame me when you do!

You Get Me "Love" Stories 

Two weirdos meet, take an impulsive road trip and fall madly, impossibly, crazily in love. Whoever says love doesn't exist hasn't read this book. Bonus: It is a sap free, sarcasm filled story. My favorite kind!

Everyone deserves a soulmate who accepts them for the true person they are - even if they are a MURDERESS!

More soulmates finding love. Never you mind that blood splatter on the cover. There is nothing more romantic than true love mixed with a little blood and body parts! *sigh* And yes, I will die on this here hill!

Devastating Love

This romance fits the definition of devastating and I will always love it. Whoever says romances are nothing but shit haven't read this book. That is all I have to say. And this is another hill I will die on.

This book. OMG, this book. It nearly broke me and you should all read it if you haven't already.

I can't even with this one. Read the book. See the film. Go cry into your pillow for a month or two or maybe six. I am clearly still not over it but I will go back for more very, very soon because it gets into your blood and refuses to leave and I love torturing myself.

And while I'm here may I mention some of my most favorite epic film/tv romances that you shouldn't miss? No?! Well, I'm gonna do it anyway.

Near Dark:  Caleb & Mae. A sexy, sweet romance and a violent vampire film that wraps up in under two hours. I wrote a little love story for it on this blog right here.

Wild At Heart:  Lula & Sailor - ahhh, these two. These two are full of passion and sizzle on the screen. I love their crazy love.

Shameless:  Ian & Mickey 10 (going on 11) seasons of lust, sass, pain and a devastating love that will shatter all of your feelings into dust and make you believe in the ever-lasting power of true love that beats all the odds.

If you have any recommendations for me, please share them in the comments! I'm always up for having my heart stomped upon. 


  1. I knew I could count on you to do this topic right! I'm telling you - Joe is addictive. I adored the Season 1 of YOU and immediately picked up the book and fell in love with it too! I still need to read Hidden Bodies even though I already watched Season 2. I don't think it hurts that they cast a perfect Joe for the series. I feel kind of bad liking him - nahhh. I also really like the movie Near Dark. Great to see it here on the list. And 11/22/63 is an awesome book!

    1. Forgot to mention, I ADORE Shameless. Such a fun show with all of its dysfunction!

    2. We have so much in common, Barb and ahh, Shameless. It breaks my heart but I cannot stop watching!

  2. Love and Chuckles are not compatible I think! I figured you might put a horror spin on the topic!

    1. Hahaha, yep, this one brought me out of TTT retirement, lol.

  3. I LOVE how you broke this one down!! <3

    1. Thanks, Erica! I should do more of these but I'm lazy.

  4. What a creative list! Very cool.

    My TTT .

  5. Ian and Mickey break me - I had to stop watching lol I'll probably watch if I know they end up together.

    have you ever read the Amanda Feral series by Mark Henry? That's a really warped romance & fun series lol

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I tweeted you about Shameless. You won't be sorry, I promise!!

      I haven't read that series but now I HAVE to!

    2. Wait now that I looked up the cover, I am 99.9999% certain Happy Hour of the Damned is somewhere in my TBR pile!

    3. The series is a bit uneven but it's so much fun too. Rotting zombie sex...that's all I'm gonna say lol

  6. Love your spin on love! :) Especially all the Dean Winchester moments between books.

    1. There is a Dean gif for everything! He is such a gift, lol.

  7. So fun! I'm all for Joe myself. My family already thinks I'm a bit odd for loving horror. What would they think if I loved a serial killer. LOL

    1. I think they would love Joe! How could anyone not love Joe?!

  8. My kind of love list😁 Thanks for keeping it twisted!

  9. Wild at Heart! I forgot about that movie lol. Sailor and Lula lol. And YOU- Joe kinda freaks me out but that's good, right? Haha I need to finish that series on Netflix I have a few episodes to go...

    1. I love them so much. I recently re-watched it and the chemistry is off the charts.

      Joe is irresistible in the most unhealthy sort of way.

  10. Haha, nice spin on this weeks topic of love!


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