PSA: Words Matter More Than Stars & Other Unimportant Thoughts

Let's talk about the coveted stars for the briefest of moments, shall we?  Why are they given so much importance in this world? Why do people freak out when one doesn't give ALL of them away and why do they take it SO personally when they haven't even written the book? Why can't people see past them and read the words in a review? Why don't we all slap a star on a book and call it a day instead of agonizing over words? WHY ISN'T IT OK TO HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION? What is wrong with us? Don't answer that.

I write reviews. As silly as they may be, I put time into them and I try to share my likes and my dislikes so other readers can make up their own minds about whether or not a book will appeal to them. We're all different. My five star might be your one star and vice-versa, rinse and repeat, blabbedy blah who even cares anymore?! I've said this until my head is ready to explode, even devoted an entire ranty post about it, and I can't believe I am here in 2020 still saying this but here we are. I get some of the rudest comments on my three-star reviews at Goodreads and this is why rating with stars drives me insane and giving a three-star now gives me extreme anxiety. But many of the books I read are a three and I feel as if I have to nearly write a disclaimer in them now such as this:

"I hate to give it a three because I know people are going to get ragey at me. It might not happen right away but it’ll happen eventually. It always does. How dare YOU?! You have no taste! Your taste! It is atrocious! Did you even read the book? Yeah, my three-star reviews tend to offend people the most and I can’t figure out why that’s even a thing. Three means I basically liked it per the Goodreads scale. Three is a good solid read. Three means I didn’t love and adore and want to marry it but I also didn’t want to murder it and bury it in the backyard either and that’s saying something. So I’m going to be brave and write another dreaded three-star review."

I also struggle with the stars. Sometimes I feel as if my words don't always match my stars, especially when I'm torn between bumping up or bumping down and that's because I'm not a huge fan of the stars, if I'm being completely honest. So why are you using them on your personal blog that you set up, you moron? And, yes, I can hear your thoughts and feel your virtual side-eye. My answer? I have no freaking idea but I'm kind of stuck with them now and I am nothing if not a mess of contradictions and just a mess in general.  If you like stars, you are welcome to like them! We should all love what we love without being told what to love but I have grown to like them a little less with every passing year and have contemplated removing them altogether. 

This is my loose rating system. Don't hold me to it because I break even my own rules.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I loved it so much! A very rare & special book. 💗

⭐⭐⭐⭐I liked it a whole lot

⭐⭐⭐ I liked it, get off my back already!

⭐⭐ I disliked more than I liked

⭐ I murdered it with my hatred of it & it is now buried in the backyard 💀

Now this next one is how some people seem to interpret the stars and I wish they'd stop with this nonsense. Please people, read the words not the stars!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This book is absolute perfection and only one book a year deserves this honor. Too bad for the rest of you! I have gone and married this one and I am faithful until next year rolls around!

⭐⭐⭐⭐ I barely liked it. It's just a smidge above a 3, ffs!

⭐⭐⭐  I HATE IT! 😸 All books start off as a 3 in my head and them's the breaks so continue yelling at me in the Goodreads comments because it gives me the strength to carry on.



What are your feelings on the stars and do you know why 3 stars seem to be so dreaded? This question keeps me up at night!


  1. You honestly get comments over 3-star reviews? That's just stupid. I've never understood why it's considered a negative rating.

    1. Omg, people get irate about 3-stars. I cannot figure out the reason. Granted I rarely give out a 1 or 2 star anymore because I throw those out the window.

  2. Three stars are fine. Not every book is going to be a home run. I'm not on Goodreads, so I don't know the rules over there, but I hope it's other readers commenting back on your three-star reviews, not the authors themselves.

    1. It's almost always other readers who want to fight me about an opinion. It's crazy sometimes.

  3. My personal rating system is a little different. 3 stars is more "I didn't really like it," but sheesh, I can't believe people argue with you over your ratings!

  4. Even the tours recognize that three stars is good. i think you did a good job of describing your rating system and we are all entitled to our own opinion.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks Sherry. I find it amusing in a slightly annoying way but people will be people.

  5. 3 stars for me is a book I read, completed and liked well enough though it wouldn't be top of my list to read again anytime soon. I didn't DNF and authors should be happy to get it! Would everyone rather we downgraded it to two stars???

    1. Ugh, people get so irate sometimes. Live and let people live.

  6. 3 stars for me is a book that I liked ok. I didn't dislike it so why would someone make nasty comments on the review? That makes no sense. I hardly ever get comments on Goodreads but I really wouldn't care if people were hating on my reviews.

    1. They like to argue that I'm wrong. About my opinion. It makes zero sense to me but people make a hobby of it.

  7. It blows my mind how crazy people get about this!! I totally agree that rating systems are a personal preference and should be kept that way. The fact that people feel the need to argue with someone about how they rated and reviewed....just makes me shake my head and laugh! haha Three stars is ABOVE AVERAGE IN A FIVE STAR SYSTEM. If only people could remember that rather than getting their panties in a bunch when they see a three star review.

    1. Haha, people are so bananas and it's only getting worse!

  8. I don't rate books on my blog anymore but I had a comment recently saying they were sorry I didn't like the book despite not saying one bad thing about it in my review. Then they said they struggled when there was no star rating so...I think we just have to review in a way that feels right for us and know we can't please everyone lol

    The 3 star argument is one I will never ever understand. It's a book. Not a child. It's an opinion. And you are also free to have yours.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Ugh, you just can't win around this place, right?!


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