Swapship Troopers by Walker Long

Swapship Troopers by Walker Long
Released: January 2017
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A New Kind of War :: A New Kind of Service

During a brutal war against monstrous, spider-like aliens, the Space Marines try to improve morale with a top-secret, gene-splicing drug that temporarily turns men into women. Marines who take the drug have sex with the Marines who don't. Everyone is happier.

Most troopers just blow off steam, but two Marines connect in a way that will change them forever. A young Private gets in touch with his feminine side and finds the joy in submitting to a man. A battle-hardened Lieutenant finds redemption and learns that sexual attraction and respect can go hand-in-hand. How far will this relationship go?

WARNING! This book contains explicit sex, graphic violence, and salty language. It is for mature, adult readers only. [75,000 words]

My Thoughts

Swapship Troopers is a story filled with lots of giant bug killing and lots of sexy times. What more could you want?

I read one too many short story horror collections last month and was feeling the need to stop reading, maybe forever, and pick myself up a new hobby but instead I decided to give this one a shot (I did commit to review it, after all) and it knocked me right out of my mini-slump. I’m no fan of action or military maneuvers so there’s no need to be put off by the Starship Troopers resemblance if you aren’t either. I haven’t read Starship Troopers which, from what I’ve heard, may likely bore me to death but I did see the movie. I loved the movie. It was gory fun. This book is gory fun too and it’s not at all boring.

It’s about giant ant-like alien monsters who occupy planets and murder everyone planets where the only companionship they have are each other. In order to keep morale up, the military creates something called “Pink Vector” which is an injectable that turns men into women. There’s also a “Blue Vector” serum to turn them back once the fun is over.

Half of the men are injected and suddenly grow womanly parts. They’re all good humored and open minded and go along with this kooky plan. Much fun is had. Then they are turned back into men and are eager to get back to work.

Now don’t you go thinking too hard about the implications about any of this. This is a book that doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously and I loved that. Some of the men aren’t the comeliest of women but everyone just goes with the flow and has a good, kinky time. Yeah, what goes on is a little nutzo but I mean that as a compliment. It’s beautifully nutzo and even a little romantic when one paired up couple begin to have feelings other than the sexy kind for each other.

The blend of sexy times vs. action is well balanced. There is a lot of action but it never bored me which is kind of shocking actually. I thought it was hilarious to watch a tough Marine turn into a woman and then have to deal with pervy civilians as they treated him as if he were braindead and a toy for them to paw and insult.

I enjoyed this book so much. Yeah, so, it perhaps wasn’t the most believable of romances starting out but considering the circumstances, the author did a decent job of turning pure sexual attraction into something more in the end. It also never got angsty or dreary and was just what I needed after my series of dark and dreadful reads the month previous. It was totally enjoyable and that’s all that counts to me.

Challenge Update


  1. Sounds like a crazy, fun read. Glad you enjoyed it and happy dancing for defeated reading slumps!

  2. Glad to hear it. I had to turn down a copy for now (just not enough time), but I was intensely curious.

  3. Sexy times, yes. Giant bugs? Not so much. LOL.

  4. I don't read very much erotica but this sounds like one I should!

  5. You know what if an author can do beautifully nutzo I'm sold. AND that the book doesn't take itself too seriously


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