Hanging Around the Blogs: News & Reviews You May Have Missed (11)

I love Chuckles Book Cave's feature "Around the Blogs with Chuckles" so much that I'm going to do one too. There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs and social media outlets so here's a recap of some great posts, articles and news tidbits you may have missed while you were out living your life.

I haven't had a chance to do nearly as much blog hopping as I'd like to but here's a little news I discovered on my snooping expeditions.

Ladies of Horror Fiction News

We now have a Goodreads group! We'll be talking about all the things, including discussing our quarterly community reads. Everyone is welcome. That includes men, women and tentacle monsters, of course. Come join us here:  

Ania Ahlborn's Latest Book Is In Limbo

As reported on her Facebook page, Amazon is holding up the release of her latest work because they have an issues with the cover. Curse you, Amazon!

There's been an UPDATE!

A New Mass Market Horror Line is Coming

Tom Doherty Associates announced that it will be called Nightfire and it will be all horror! I am so excited to see more horror on the shelves.

“There is a renaissance in progress for all things horror. There is a new generation of horror fans who are setting weekend genre box office records, who are binge streaming episodic TV, subscribing to weekly chat and drama-based podcasts, and purchasing more graphic novels. More importantly, there are new literary voices we want to bring to our reading communities and followers…And also because we just plain love horror.” 

Visit The Scariest Place On Earth!

Horror After Dark has a guest post from author J.H. Moncrieff after her visit to one of the most haunted places on the planet.Want to visit too? Check it out here:



Cassie aka Holo_Reader on Instagram is hosting a readalong on #Bookstagram for Kealan Patrick Burke's newest book WE LIVE INSIDE YOUR EYES. Learn more here:


LOHF Podcast News

Toni has been reading THE YELLOW WALLPAPER by Charlotte Perkins Gilman on the Ladies of Horror Fiction podcast. It's one of the most unnerving short stories I've ever read and one that will stick with you. Find out more here:

Shudder's Last Drive In with Joe Bob Briggs 

Last week Shudder and The Last Drive-In played THE STUFF. Have you never seen THE STUFF? 

If not, you probably don't need to, lol. It's one of the movies I watched when I was a young teen that I adored and I loved revisiting it with Joe Bob Brigg's on his show which ends tomorrow night. Ahhh, what am I going to do with my Friday nights now? Have any of you been watching these mini-marathons? So much cheese. So much gore. SO much fun!

If you have a subscription to Shudder you can view all of the glorious past episodes here:


  1. I hope to watch some of the Joe Bob stuff this summer. We are waiting for them to release Boar in June. My husband has wanted to watch it forever and it's only been available in Australia for the longest time. I was unaware of the news on Nightfire. That's exciting and I'm going to sign up for notifications so I can stay in the loop. Thanks for sharing some the news I missed!

    1. I have a ton of catching up to do on The Last Drive In because I always fall asleep midway into the first movie because I am lame.

  2. Amazon seems to be messing up left and right. If it's not one thing with them it's another.

  3. OMG I remember The Stuff from when I was younger...lol! I need to try Joe Bob as I have seen it on Shudder but just never tried it.

    1. Ohhhh, you must! He's a little ranty-pants sometimes but he has so much knowledge and watching them live with the Twitter feed is a lot of fun even if the movie is suckage.

  4. Hey, thanks for the shout out! I had heard the news about the new horror imprint at Tor, and I'm pretty excited too😁

    1. I cannot wait! Hopefully I'll have money by 2021, lol.

  5. Amazon are becoming really annoying. I get all my books from them but everything is arriving late and I'm seeing a big difference in their service.

    1. Same here. I ordered a prime item and sometimes they take five days to get reach me.

  6. Thanks for sharing all of the exciting news. Internet was down for a week and I missed so much!

    1. You're very welcome. I've been snooping all over the place while I procrastinate posting my own reviews.

  7. I love posts like this that help me find things I missed! That Tom Doherty horror news is interesting...

    1. Thanks for reading, Greg! I can't wait to see what that new horror publishes! I am just so excited for more mainstream horror.

  8. I need to catch up on all of the Joe Bob. I don't know why I've been missing out!

    1. You really do. It's so much fun to watch them live and read the funny comments on Twitter but it's also fun to watch them later with Joe Bob's commentary.

  9. Your LoH group is becoming a force! I'm glad it's doing so well :-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Thank you so much, Karen! The LOHF team work so very hard, most of it behind the scenes, and it's so worthwhile to hear that others are finding our work valuable and helpful.


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