TTT: Top Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Read

Hello my bookish friends! Top Ten Tuesday has a new host so be sure to link up over at That Artsy Reader Girl. The creators over at The Broke and the Bookish are closing their doors for now. I'm going to try to be a semi-consistent contributor. But as always, I make no promises.

Today's topic: Top Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Read

I'm gonna have way more than ten! All book titles link to my review either here or at Goodreads.

Don't Tell My Kids  . . .

I think you can figure out from the titles alone why I might feel a little weird about these . . .

The Traumatizing
AHHH this book!
Some images you will never scrub from your brain. All of these books have loads of them. If you want to horrify yourself go ahead and read one but don't blame me when you're screaming for the brain bleach.

The Regrets

These were all books that came highly hyped and recommended. None were my typical genre. I have ill feelings about each and every one for different reasons and I hate myself more for finishing all of them.

 I Should Have Known Better


These books were pretty dreadful through and through and I knew that after 20 pages or so. Why, oh why, did I only DNF one of them?!!

I know you've read some things you probably wish you hadn't. Spill!


  1. I didn't like Christine Feehan's books either. This was before I knew the difference between UF and PNR and I read everything with vampires and shifters in it. I did DNF it though!

    1. I wasn't bright enough to do that. Nope, I just kept going and going. Hopefully 2018 will be the year I learn to master the art of the DNF.

  2. That's hilarious. I love how you broke all that down.

    I have quite a few on the embarrassment/don't tell my kids (if I had any) list. lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Creating this list made me realize that I haven't read a humiliating read in far too long!

  3. hahah I love how you classified them! "don't tell my kids" Chupacabra??? LOL LOL LOL Oh my god!

  4. I love your list. It's just what I needed this morning. Your secrets safe with me!

    1. Thank you, Barb. My kids know I'm weird but not exactly just how weird, lol.

  5. Ugh to Eat Pray Love. I DNFed that one at some point. So many hate feelings towards that one!

    1. I wish I had done the same. I ranted for days about that one to anyone who would listen.

  6. Hung Hounds lol. Nuff said. :)

  7. I love your lists; they always make me laugh. My regret? The Ruins by Scott Smith. How I wish I could get all those hours back!

    1. Ugh, I feel the same way about the Ruins. I have quite a few I could add to this list!

  8. And now I want to read the Fred and Rose West book. I did like The Davinci Code though.

    1. I'm not kidding, Carole, that Fred & Rose book still haunts me. Don't do it!

      My husband loved the Davinci Code too. Even tried to make me watch the film but I refused :)

  9. Some of the titles actually made me chuckle... what a list! Nice post

    1. Thanks, Brian. Find anything for you tbr pile? lol

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, Melissa. It was fun to put together and I'm glad you got a laugh too :)

  11. I had to laugh at your Don't Tell My Kids section! Cracked me up!

    1. Yikes, right? What is so damaged within me that I read that stuff?!

  12. I'm dying at the first section, haha. And I will definitely be avoiding the second section! Although I've read a couple pretty horrifying, cannot-forget scenes myself. Love all the different sections on your list!

    1. Thanks, Kristen. Yep, many of these are best avoided unless you're a weirdo like me ;)


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